There are good people, and then there are outstanding, amazing people! Chae and Brendan definitely fall into the latter category. When they announced their engagement and then their wedding date, we were so stoked for them. It's been so incredible to watch them come to this point in their relationship… they are truly Godly people that walk the talk. My wife and I admire their integrity, honesty, and heart in all that they do. It's so encouraging to see a young couple like them live with such high standards. I was so honored when they wanted us to photograph their wedding… then they asked my wife to sing which made her feel like she was on top of the world. :) If you know my wife, music has been her biggest passion, but something that had to be "set aside" for a little while to raise our children. So, needless to say, she was very happy! Then, she was even happier when our daughter got asked to be the flower girl! Woo hoo! We all had a part, and we were so honored! Really, thank you, Chae & Brendan… we all had so much fun. But, not more fun that you guys on your wedding day! I must say that your wedding was one of the most relaxed and organized ever! The day was absolutely gorgeous, and you guys looked amazing! The first look was priceless… I love first looks! That moment where it's just the bride and groom… a very momentous, unforgettable few seconds of life where the groom first sees his bride… just breathtaking and indescribable! We know that Brendan was one happy man, and Chae was one happy, gorgeous bride! From a beautiful ceremony to the reception that was full of life and fun, fun, fun… every agenda that was planned went so smoothly and well. We loved how all the guests enjoyed the photo booth, the cake, the food, the music, and of course, the DJ! Our friend, Nathan, was the most fun and hilarious DJ ever! We think he should've become a dancer… for real. :) It was special seeing the American and Korean culture coming together… my wife and I know how that is for sure! It's awesome and it only gets more awesome. :)hehe Chae & Brendan, we hope that you guys enjoy the captured moments for many, many years to come. We are excited for our friendship to grow deeper, but more than anything for your relationship with God to grow stronger; therefore, giving you an amazing marriage 'til death do you apart. Blessings and sincere congrats to you!
For more information on our wedding and portrait packages simply visit

First look with Dad and brother:)

New boutineer and photobomb all in one:)

Dress -
New Natalies Bridal
Catering -
Venue -
Victory World Church
Hair & Make-up - My Wedding Duluth GA
Cake -
Mozart Cafe