Yesterday was great. The rain held out, Everyone was there and Keisha and Derrick looked AMAZING! Here is a few images from yesterday to wet your whistle. (I love old phrases:))
Well It's been 8 weeks since we have had our beautiful new addition to the Obrist family. As I am typing this my wife who is super woman is sound asleep beside me and in a few hours will be back up again to feed our beautiful baby girl. We had a chance a few weeks ago to take some pics with my wife and two girls after dinner for a few minutes. I must say I have the most beautiful girls I have ever seen! Every time I see my girls I think about how amazing it is that my wife had both of our kids. And with no meds at all to boot!! I am so happy to have such a great family and now its time for me to go to sleep as well:)
One of our closest friends is also one of the cutest families:) Here are a few images to wet your appetite for now guys. Thanks so much for the corn beef and cabbage.
I met Cheryl and Wes last year. I knew they would be super fun to be around. We scheduled their shoot and before you knew it it was time! I love Augusta and the surroundings but I had no idea of the places that it had until Cheryl and Wes showed me. They took me to places they would frequent from the back woods paths to the downtown loft restaurants. There was a lot more then just what I have seen driving around. Wes is so cool and Cheryl has the best hair ever! It was awesome seeing them holding hands. We had a great time just shooting and having fun. Actually a funny thing happened that I am a little reluctant to share. The fact that we were shooting near a creek might give you a hint as to what I am going to share:)
Literally 15 minutes into shooting after telling them time and time again to be careful of the slick rocks I myself took a tumble. And not just any tumble. A slip and slide kind of one. Wes told me I looked like a football player going for a touchdown and no matter what I was not going to let go of my camera. I was wet and bruised but none the less we laughed our faces off for the next 5 mins! The show must go on:)
So we continued to shoot. Having to much fun in the process.(and soak n' wet I might add)
They looked great and made me laugh just as much as I think I did for them.
Thanks guys for the awesome day and I can't wait for your wedding day. You are both going to look more amazing then ever!
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