So, being from Canada where there's not much spirit for sports(except hockey of course), it was quite a culture shock for me when I learned how much people love college football here and how much they love their teams. My wife, who is not into sports at all; even she, when it comes to the team spirit, her team is the best no matter what. Which team you ask? GA Tech Yellow Jackets... She graduated from there, and so for all of you who know about their biggest rivalry, it's UGA Bulldogs. Now, my wife literally gets offended if you say anything good about the Bulldogs or say something bad about Tech. So, when I met Mallory and Casey, I knew that love can conquer all things because she is from UGA and he is from GA Tech! He comes from a family that is just die hard GA Tech fans.... It was so cool hearing about how his dad took him to the GA Tech campus THE DAY he was born. WOW! Having two kids of my own, how amazing was his father for even having the energy to do that on the day your child is born? That's just awesome and is a very sweet, sentimental story. I love that and now I wish I did something like that when my daughters were born. Hm... Maybe there's still another chance with baby #3? :)hehe They come from different schools and teams, but one thing they both LOVE doing is to go to the Fox Theater to watch every show that they possibly can. It's one of their favorite places to go. That place really is beautiful! I've been there a few times with my wife who is also a HUGE broadway fan! She actually just asked me few days ago to buy her tickets to the "Les Miserables." :) But, above what they like, the biggest common thing that they have is how they love one another which is the way it should be. Their pics below really show it, and I just treasure these times in a couple's life! Even in the cold weather we were in this day, they worked through it together... In that way, I know their marriage will be amazing. Mallory & Casey, thank you for such a wonderful time. I really enjoyed getting to know you more, and I just can't wait for your beautiful wedding day. It's going to be fabulous like the Fabulous Fox Theater! ;)
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