The more I live, the more I realize how we are all somehow connected. It's a big world out there with big dreams to accomplish, but at the same time, it's a small world... My wife and I met Annie's parents a couple of years ago through my wife's parents. Back in 2011, my father in law got really sick... was suffering from cancer. It was a difficult time for us all especially to my mother in law who had to endure it all. We lived 3 hours away from each other so the help that we could provide was limited although we did the best we could. My wife was pregnant with our second child, so it was hard for us too. Looking back, I wish that we could've done more... However, my mother in law had an amazing church community surrounding her who helped tremendously every step of that difficult journey. Annie's parents were one of them. We heard so many great things about them and when we finally met them, we could totally see why. They visited my wife's dad at the hospital numerous times and gave him so many encouraging words... I can go on and on about all the priceless things that they did. We are blessed to know such compassionate, generous people... Sadly my father in law passed away that year, but the friendships kept on and we will never forget what they did for our family. We only hope that we won't miss opportunities to pay it forward and that we will continue to develop our friendship with them. Well, one day, we received a call from Annie's dad regarding her upcoming wedding! I told my wife right away, and she was so happy and felt absolutely honored! We both felt that way! We never met his daughter before and to be able to meet her under such happy circumstances was just awesome. Annie, Taylor and I finally met over coffee, and the moment I saw them, I just knew this was meant to be. I just knew it! :) Meeting Annie made me really foresee what it will one day be like to plan one of our daughter's wedding. It may me tear up just thinking about it. Annie's mom is American and her dad is Korean, and as most of you guys know, my wife is Korean so anytime I see someone 'mixed', I immediately think about my kids. And then getting to know Taylor, I just had no doubt that this couple were perfect together, and for me as a photographer, I knew they were picture perfect. I just love how they just click... They laugh and laugh so much and you can just see "the glow" that they have from being in love. I know... I'm a sensitive guy, I must admit. :) I cry during movies a lot than my wifey. :) haha As you will see in the pictures, they just have a good time with each other. I love their sense of humor! They simply enjoy one another, and because of that, they made my job easy to capture all the candid moments. So... This is our 5th year in the business and I've yet had rain come down during a wedding. Can you believe that? But, that all changed for me this year and I made a new record. We had 4 back to back weddings with rain, and Annie's was the third one. But, I really respected the way that the rain did not bother this bride and groom. No way... I believe that you have a choice in the way you can react to what happens in life, and they chose to respond in a positive way. The wedding took place at Annie's parents home where they worked very hard for months to accommodate the guests and to make this wedding just perfect. The rain was probably not in the plan, but it happened. They chose to make the best out of it! I remember being so stoked when Annie and Taylor still decided to have the ceremony outdoors, and omg... Did I say omg??? It was just FABULOUS!!! Wow! Let me tell you... As a wedding photographer, opportunities like this don't come all the time, and if outdoor wedding plans fear rain, I say, fear it no more! In fact, with the way this couple's wedding turned out, I hope it rains every time! They did not let the weather affect anything and they were smiles every step of the way... They define positive attitude! Needless to say, everything was just beautiful... Annie and Taylor, I can say so much more about your wedding, but I'm sure you want me to stop so you can look at the pictures, so I'll stop. :) Thank you so much for giving my wife and I the honor to be a part of your perfect wedding day... We hope that we have more opportunities to meet you in the future to get to know you more. After working on your pics, my wife and I both kept saying, "oh my gosh, we gotta work out..." Lol! Well, I started a few days ago, so let's hope that I keep going! :) Really... Your wedding was just amazing and fun, and I can't wait for the whole world to see these pics to get a glimpse of the beautiful union between you guys. We pray that you have an amazing marriage... God bless!
For more information on our wedding and portrait packages, simply visit

We were able to shoot a bridal session for Annie two weeks prior. Thank goodness:)

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