Every time I get to meet the Chang's, they're such a pleasure to be around! We got to meet them for their first photo shoot last year when Charlotte was teeny tiny, then for her 1st year birthday party, which was soooo well planned. Then, when we got the "call" for this year, we were so happy to hear from them. We got to see them a couple of times in between those times for various things, and what a great family they are. Young is a wonderful father/husband who works very hard to provide for his family, Sara is an amazing home maker, mother and wife, and Charlotte does her thing to be the most adorable daughter ever. Each person does their part into making this family a beautiful family inside and out. Have you ever heard that "pictures don't lie?" It's true… Through people's eyes and natural expressions, you can really see… Just look at how happy this fam is. Young and Sara, we appreciate you guys so much! Thank you for all your support in our business and for always making it a pleasure to work with you. We hope to continue to develop a friendship with you and to see you at Yuni's more often. :)hehe Actually, we'll be closer to you all soon, so we can't wait to have you over! Sincere blessings to you...
For more information on our portrait sessions, simply visit www.craigobrist.com.

Craig, you are too kind! Thank you for always capturing our moments so beautifully! you know we love your work and always look forward to working with you! We're so glad that we got connected with you through Yuni and can't wait to be closer to your gorgeous family and become greater friends!