When I met my wife, I also met another culture. A culture that is filled with such fun traditions... I love the Korean culture! Who wouldn't? Now that we have two kids, I've grown to love how Koreans celebrate 1st birthdays. History says that the mortality rate for children in Korea was high and many did not survive to see their first birthday. So, for generations, it became a very significant and important milestone to the Koreans and a reason to celebrate and to celebrate BIG! And BIG it was... Charlotte's dohl was just planned so well, and let me tell you... her parents, Sara & Young, did an outstanding job! Every detail and the thought that went behind it was just impressive. Because my wife and I personally have planned one of these for our older daughter and have just began planning one for our younger daughter, I have learned to appreciate the planning part. ;) Charlotte's hanbok (Korean traditional dress) was just gorgeous, and what can I say? Everything just turned out perfect! More than anything, I loved how all their family and friends who dearly loved them were there to share this joyous day and to celebrate Charlotte's life. After all... that's what it's all about, LOVE. Sara & Young, you have such a beautiful daughter, and we hope that there are many, many, many more birthdays to come for her and for your family! We had a great time... Thx for feeding all of us such awesome food and for the great time! Special thanks to Kate Schlueter and Janet Ogidi for all the great help.

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