So, here it is…. The blog of the Gonzalez's family portraits… Where do I begin with this incredible family? I've had the privilege to know Rolando & Olivia ever since I moved to the States in 2000. From then, they have always been one of the most special people in my life. They've been my friends, mentors, teachers, counselors, rescuers :), you name anything good and they've been that for me. Then when Unchong, now my wife, entered my life's picture in 2004, they've been all of the above for us as couples, then as married couples, and now as families and parents. It's so true when they say that maturity doesn't come with age because we are peers to them, but their sense of wisdom and knowledge in life have always exceeded ours. I can't name one event in our lives, good or bad that's happened to us, where they have not been there. It's one thing to find a friend to comes when things are good and happy; it's a whole another thing to find someone to stands by you when things don't look so good. Now that I think of it, we've been knowing each other for over ten years. WOW! Yes, that's over a decade. Wowzers…. I love how we can just hang out at each other's home and feel comfortable not even just like family, but exactly like family. Our kids have grown to love each other too, and the bond that we have even towards their children is just indescribable. Unchong and I love them dearly and truly feel like their our niece and nephew. This family recently have made a decision to transition into something special for their future, and it's been awesome to see them stay so solid and faithful! I am so excited for their future and all the impact that they will make in the lives that they encounter. Rolando & Olivia, you two are simply priceless individuals in our lives, and we can't thank you enough for what you've done for us and others. You have always generously given your time and energy to so many, and may God continue to use you and bless you through this journey. Enjoy the pics of your beautiful fam! I really had a great time!
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Love this people!!!!!